RemitEase Online

Seamless International Money Transfer Platform

Streamline remittance services with RemitEase Online, a deployable app and web-based solution. Tailored for remittance businesses, it boosts user experience and seamlessly integrates with existing payment management systems like ExchangeSync Pro and CurrenSync Hub.

GlobalPay Connect Is For You If You Are..

A financial institution or money exchange firm seeking to provide the convenience and advantages of online remittance to its registered clientele.

Establish an online presence for your remittance service

Deliver virtual remittance services through RemitEase Online, offering app and web-based convenience to registered clients, eliminating the need for branch visits.
Develop your brand with RemitEase Online, a white-label remittance solution customizable to reflect your brand identity.
Tailor Online Remit to suit your business processes with customizable workflows.
Payment Gateway Integration – Our solution seamlessly integrates with various payment gateways, contingent upon the availability of APIs or web services provided by the relevant third-party providers.
Security and Compliance – Rest assured that all transactions are fully compliant with AML regulations, thanks to device-level security integration